
Simply Arden is a personal blog written and edited by Arden Lux, the owner. Please send any questions to arden@simplyarden.com, or contact Simply Arden.

Unless otherwise noted, all products and services mentioned on Simply Arden are purchased by Arden. As the owner of the blog, Arden may at times be compensated or given freebies in order to provide her opinion or review for products, services, websites and other various topics. No matter what the circumstances, all views and opinions expressed on Simply Arden are purely honest. Arden will only endorse products or services that she believes in, and that based on her personal experience, are worthy of such endorsement.

Simply Arden does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest. Simply Arden does not and will never accept products and/or services from companies or organizations that seek to restrict it’s content or opinion in any way. Ever, period.

Disclaimer and Disclosure Information

100% Honest Reviews

Simply Arden’s reviews are 100% honest, unbiased opinions based on Arden’s personal experience and knowledge of the product or service being reviewed. Non-sponsored products, services, and content are reviewed in the same manner as sponsored or gifted. Simply Arden only promotes products, services, and companies that it has personally researched, used, and loved. If at any time and for any reason Simply Arden feels it cannot publish a fair and unbiased review, Simply Arden reserves the right to opt out of publishing the review.

Most of the products and services on Simply Arden are purchased by Arden, unless otherwise noted. These have a “Personally Purchased” button on the top of these pages. All content that contains a press sample(s) or other sponsored content is clearly disclosed with either a “Press Sample” or “Sponsored” button on the top and bottom of each post, plus a small blurb containing information from this page.

Although Simply Arden does accept press samples and other free products and services, receipt without a pre-arrangement does not promise a review. Products sent for review or sponsorship are never promised a favorable review if one is written, but a thorough and truthful assessment and review.

Disclosure Button Examples

Affiliate Link Press Sample Personally Purchased Sponsored

Affiliates and Advertising

Simply Arden may receive a small commission if a visitor purchases a product and or service from a link contained in Simply Arden’s content or through a display ad shown on this site. Simply Arden hopes to provide value through these links by finding a good price and sharing products that we love. If a visitor ends up buying a product recommended, Simply Arden may earn a small percentage – to keep this blog running!

Simply Arden only promotes products that Arden has personally used and would not hesitate to recommend to a friend. And Arden considers everyone that visits here a friend! Simply Arden does not include any misleading links or try to sell visitors anything. Arden just wants to share with you what she uses, and where visitors can get it for a good price from a trusted source.

All posts that contain affiliate content are fully disclosed by displaying an “Affiliate Link” button on the top and bottom of each post, plus a small blurb containing information from this page.

Affiliate Disclosures

  1. Simply Arden is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Amazon Associates uses a cookie to identify Simply Arden’s affiliate link.
  2. Simply Arden is a participant in the CJ Affiliate Publisher Program. CJ Affiliate uses a cookie to identify Simply Arden’s affiliate link.
  3. Simply Arden is a participant in the Rakuten/Linkshare Marketing Program. Rakuten uses a cookie to identify Simply Arden’s affiliate link.


This disclaimer applies to all content on Simply Arden, with the exception of user generated comments.

Simply Arden is a personal blog run and edited by the owner, Arden Lux. The content here is just a matter of personal opinion. Arden is NOT a professional nor is she certified or licensed in any other way. Arden does not claim to be, nor make an effort to be an expert on a certain topic, product, or service. The owner is just a hobbyist and enthusiast who wants to share her experiences, opinions, and research with the online community.

Arden does research as thoroughly as possible on all advice offered, but because people are different, what works for her may not work for everyone. Any product claims, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product, service, website, etc., should be verified with the manufacturer or provider as what is referenced may become out of date or change. However, at the time of posting, Simply Arden tries to do everything possible to ensure a complete and accurate post based on experience and research.

Press Samples

Simply Arden may at times receive free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations, or their public relations departments. All reviews and recommendations are made based on personal experience and research of a product or service, and Simply Arden strives to offer an honest and unbiased opinion. Sample content is reviewed in the same manner as products or services that are purchased personally. Simply Arden only endorses products, services, and companies Arden uses herself, and would recommend to others.

All posts that contain a press sample are fully disclosed by displaying a “Press Sample” button on the top and bottom of each post, plus a small blurb containing information from this page.

All products received, whether solicited or unsolicited, are considered gifts or commercial samples, and do not form a contract for review unless pre-arranged. If you would like to send a press release, a product, or service for review, or would like Simply Arden to run a giveaway for your brand, please contact Arden. Products sent without a pre-arrangement may be mailed back. While Simply Arden would love to be able to review every thing received, there is only so much time in a day!

Private Information

While visiting Simply Arden visitors may be asked to provide certain personal information that can be used to contact or identify them, for example to subscribe or comment on posts. Personal information may include, but is not limited to, name, email, log data, etc. Simply Arden only uses personal information to send visitors exactly what they signed up for, and nothing more. Simply Arden is heavily against spam and is committed to protecting visitor’s privacy.

Please read the full privacy policy for further information on the protection of visitor’s private information.


Simply Arden and it’s affiliates may at times use cookies to collect personal information (for example Google Analytics or external links to Amazon). Cookies are small data files that may include an anonymous unique identifier. They are sent to a visitor’s browser from a web site and stored on the visitors computer’s hard drive. All browser’s have settings that allow a visitor to refuse cookies, however this can cause some information to not display properly or at all on many sites.

Please view the full privacy policy for further information on cookies.

Simply Arden may at times include or create sponsored content, which could be in the form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. If any compensation is received, it will never influence the content, topics, or posts made on Simply Arden. Sponsored products, services, and content is reviewed in the same manner as non-sponsored, gifted, or those personally purchased. Simply Arden only promotes products, services, and companies that Arden would recommend to a friend and use again. If you are interested in sponsored content, please contact Arden.

All posts that contain sponsored content are fully disclosed by displaying a “Sponsored” button on the top and bottom of each post, plus a small blurb containing information from this page.

Parts of this disclosure were written using assistance from DisclosurePolicy.org.