Inspiration & Growth

Welcome to inspiration and growth, where I share my self-improvement journey and favorite ways to stay inspired along it. It seems it is destined that I am not naturally or easily centered, calm or careful - in fact, quite the opposite. From thrashing to be these things I became interested in growth and being inspired - and my journey to self-improvement began. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I know that I'm on the right path and every meditation brings me closer to being the person I want to be on the inside.

Get Inspired

I like to share:

  • My self-improvement goals
  • How I stay inspired and what is helping me to grow right now
  • My favorite meditations, quotes, books and writers, and other ways I stay inspired
  • My favorite gear, gadgets, and apps for inspiration and growth
  • Inspiration and improvement lists, such as my favorite YouTubers
  • Inspiration and self-improvement related book reviews
  • Travel adventures

Favorite Things

My favorite ways to stay inspired and grow are:
  • Meditation and visualization
  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • Spirituality and witchcraft
  • Self-care
  • YouTubers and bloggers that post inspirational content
  • Getting outside in nature - walking, hiking, camping, skating
  • Working on my health and mental health
  • Books, books, books!
  • Researching and reading what works for everyone else

Archive: Inspiration & Growth

Book Review of Wild by Cheryl Strayed

The book WIld follows Cheryl Strayed, our main character who makes no apologies about being a flawed human being but who is also introspective about her failings at the same time. Throughout her trek along the scenic and danger wrought Pacific Coast Trail, Cheryl makes an attempt to process and grieve for her mother’s death, the other losses in her life, and to reconnect with herself.

If I had to describe this book in two words: adventurous and interesting.