GuRu is RuPaul’s third book in the memoir genre, but this is the first of his that I’ve read. This is a fun and fast read that will leave you feeling uplifted. It is a charming collection of thoughts, quotes, and advice on life told from RuPaul’s unique perspective. There is not a lot to this book – you can …
GuRu is RuPaul’s third book in the memoir genre, but this is the first of his that I’ve read. This is a fun and fast read that will leave you feeling uplifted. It is a charming collection of thoughts, quotes, and advice on life told from RuPaul’s unique perspective. There is not a lot to this book – you can …
I read 25 books in 2019! I’m really proud of this number. I haven’t read more books in a single year since I’ve been in college (let’s not discuss how long ago that was). I had a 2019 Goodreads Reading Challenge of 44 that I miserably failed, but I still feel really good about how much I read and I finished the year strong.