Book Review of A Little Bit of Pendulums by Dani Bryant

A Little Bit of Pendulums
Goodreads Rating: 4.00
Published: 3/5/2019
Page Count: 128
Book URL:
In the popular “Little Bit of” series: a fresh, accessible introduction to the practice of using pendulums. With every swing of the pendulum, you can develop your spiritual energy. Dani Bryant, a green witch, provides an easy-to-follow guide that explains how to choose or craft your pendulum, and use it for dowsing and divination. You’ll find rituals for clearing negativity, balancing chakras, making contact with the spirit world, meditation, generating accurate answers to your questions,…
3.5Overall Score
  • Covered Subject
  • Cover Art
  • Impact
  • Organization
  • Pacing
  • Writing

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Quick Review

  • I found this book easy to understand and immediately apply to my pendulum practice.
  • Gives a wide range of ways to use your pendulum and describes briefly how to use the pendulum for many of these uses.
  • Has very practical information to help you choose your pendulum, care for it, learn to use it, and develop a divination practice.
  • Sometimes information is repeated a few times within a couple paragraphs of each other.
  • A quarter of the book’s length is dedicated to different pendulum circles with illustrations, including 5 blank circle pages.
  • I appreciated the emphasis throughout the book that what works for her or another person may not work for you, and that you should experiment.

In Depth Review

I myself am only a beginner pendulum user before reading this book, and have only used mine a limited amount of times (however with great success!). In other words I did not have a lot of preconceived thoughts or practice. That being said I did find that I knew a lot of the information in this book coming into it, however it did solidify the knowledge I have and give it structure. I found a few of the concepts introduced that were new to me fascinating and went on to research them further, such as the ideomotor phenomenon, perpetual transmutation of energy, the Akashic records, and pendulum circles.

This book gives a wide range of ways to use your pendulum and describes how to use it for these purposes with easy to follow instructions that you can apply immediately to your practice. I think this would be an amazing book for the beginning pendulum user and pagan as it has a great overview of the pendulums uses, the materials and shapes for you to choose from, what to do before, during, and after to create a divination practice, and describes in detail how to use a pendulum for specific purposes.

The book dedicates a fourth of it’s length to pendulum circles, giving you eleven different circles that you can practice with. Within these there is more hidden basic information on things such as, crystals, moon phases, chakras, color correspondences, and suggestions to help you with your career, love life, meditation and relaxation, and life improvements.

If I had to describe this book in two words?: introductory and helpful.

Book Look

  • As the series name “A Little Bit” implies this book series has a small formatted book that is about 4.25 x 5.5 (or a sheet of paper folded in half).
  • My copy is a hefty hardback cardboard cover with a textured paper taped over it in a vibrant purple plum and mustard yellow with foiled silver text. It’s very eye catching.
  • The paper is a cream/off-white, medium weighted, textured paper where one side of the paper appears to be textured differently than the other side – one side is much smoother than the other making half the book easier to highlight and the text is also significantly darker on many of the pages than the other half of the book.
  • The font is a soft serif that is rather small and printed in a dark purple which could be difficult to read for those with sight issues.
  • The chapters and chapter sections are clearly marked with all caps purple or gold titles. The chapter title pages are text on a purple background with vector decorations.
  • The book is formatted in a basic way with chapters and section headings and lists that are easy to ready and follow.
  • This book does not have many illustrations, and no pictures. The illustrations are mostly pendulum practice circles.

Favorite Quotes

“Your energy field is responding to what your inner self already knows subconsciously, but consciously you are unaware because you are so conditioned to closing off intuition and instead listening to your rational mind.”
Dani Bryant

“The pendulum will be your lifelong friend – something you can go to for reassurance, for that second opinion, to open yourself to the spiritual realm, connect to higher beings, and move your life in the right direction.”
Dani Bryant

Musical Suggestions

I would pair this book with some moody fantasy music or a “Harry Potter” themed study playlist. I enjoyed A Little Bit of Pendulums while listening to the playlist “A Witch’s Autumn” on Spotify by hannahbetharnett.

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